balloons are the salient case in terms of Yan Li’s painting. In a clever
conceit, the balloons buoyancy contradicts their weight in a gesture
mutually reinforcing and negating.
In this context, Yan’s balloons in the “Longing for Nature” series
are of particular interest. As an urban artist, one might expect that
Yan’s deliberate address (because so titled) to the subject of nature
would pose an opportunity for stylistic departure. The images clearly
suggest otherwise. In the series, the human subjects are indeed freed
from the confines of their urban setting, floating in a fully natural
environment. A form of alienation is maintained, however, in Yan’s
still consistent stylistic treatment of the material subject of his paint-
ings. The woods, for instance, are not unlike the highrise buildings of
a multitude of urban images:
Yan Li in the Global City 151
The consistency of Yan’s visual statements suggest that something
else is at work rather than the mere “urban/nature” dichotomy. “Mother
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