Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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one much earlier civilization preceding theirs that they had all had some contact with. His
theories contained some extremely valid arguments. But as usual Academia could only wave their
doctorates and insult the work without ever being able to present any counter-evidence to back up
their own claims, while Hancock’s book actually contained a substantial amount of validating
research. And take the quite high profile case of Dr Virginia Steen-McIntyre as another fine
example of the Academic bottom line:
McIntyre was a geologist who worked for the US Geological Survey (USGS). In the 1970s she
was sent to an archaeological site in Mexico to date a particular group of artifacts. To conduct the
tests she used state-of-the-art equipment and even backed up and confirmed her results by
employing four different methods in the testing, but her findings in all of the tests were just way
too astonishing for her peers. You see the projects lead archaeologist at the site had been
expecting a date of about 25,000 years or less for the artifacts but McIntyre’s results produced a
date of 250,000 years or more. The problem was that a figure of 25,000 years or less was needed
to validate the accepted ‘Bering Strait Crossing’ theory and so the lead archaeologist dismissed
McIntyre’s findings and asked for a new set of tests. Dr. McIntyre was then asked to retract her
conclusions and present the team with a ‘more satisfactory finding’ but she refused, saying the
tests she had already conducted were most definitely correct.
Since that time Dr. McIntyre, who is a very talented scientist, has found it extremely difficult
to get any of her papers published and was dismissed from her teaching position at an American
University. Her case aptly illustrates just how far established scientists are prepared to go to
safeguard orthodox tenets, and it would appear that ruining a person’s life to preserve the
academic ‘status quo,’ as in the case of Dr. McIntyre, who had literally studied for years to obtain
her credentials, and had produced accurate results in the tests, is certainly no cause for concern.

There was also an amazing case in New Zealand where the Government even went as far as
enacting a new law preventing the public from entering a site that was considered to be
particularly controversial and the issue too ‘sensitive.’ In this bizarre series of events we can see
quite well that it’s not only the Academic Community that is concerned with protecting the
orthodox views that have been presented to us.
This particular controversy first erupted around a site that was located in the Waipoua Forest in
New Zealand. Excavations at the location had amazingly revealed evidence of an ancient non-
Polynesian culture that far pre-dated the Maori once having existing on the Islands. The Maori
people learned of these findings before they were officially released and were not at all happy
about them as they considered it to be an ‘infringement on their heritage’. They gathered together
a spokes-team and proceeded to complain bitterly about the results to the New Zealand
government. However the Public soon got word of what the Maori people were up to and they
also complained, but of course, the Government denied the entire affair.
However the outcome of the original meeting, when the complaint was made by the Maori,
was an Official Archival Document that is still in existence today which actually shows that an
embargo had indeed been placed on the Waipoua site by the New Zealand Government. This
archival document aptly demonstrates the New Zealand government’s clear intention to withhold
vital archeological information from the public through legal means for a period of 75 years.
In his book ‘Ancient Celtic New Zealand,’ author Mark Doutré says that he is very personally
concerned about the issue because he believes valuable artifacts that were removed from the site,
proving that there was indeed an earlier culture existing on the Islands which preceded the Maori,
are now also missing from museums: “Where are the ancient Indo-European hair samples (wavy
red brown hair), originally obtained from a rock shelter near Watakere , that were on display at
the Auckland War Memorial Museum for many years? Where is the giant skeleton found near
Mitimati?” Doutré asks, and with good cause, as the disappearance of these artefacts and any of
these sorts of occurrences are very real attempts to defraud the world out of its true heritage and
factual history.

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