Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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In their fear and desperation that people may actually believe the findings reported in the TV
Special, they gathered their trusty Doctorates together and presented their case to the Federal
Government, formally requesting that the Federal Communications Commission step in and ban
the NBC from ever airing the program again! And you don’t have to just believe me; this is all
very well documented. A letter that was written to the FCC during the affair by a Dr Allison
Palmer who is the President of the Institute for Cambrian Studies is also quite revealing:
“At the very least, NBC should be required to make substantial prime-time apologies to their
viewing audience for a sufficient period of time so that the audience clearly gets the message that
they were duped. In addition, NBC should perhaps be fined sufficiently so that a major fund for
public science education can be established.”
Public Science education? What on earth is that supposed to mean? ...Freudian slip maybe?
And seriously, they actually want to fine a television station for airing a scientific theory because
it differs from the orthodox tenet? And fine them to the extent that a major fund can be
established? Isn’t that possibly a little extreme? Beside I thought that schools and Universities
were supposed to incorporate such things as science into their curriculum. So then, it really must
be questioned what exactly they intend to actually teach at such a ‘Public Science’ centre? Or are
we to assume that there is a difference between ‘Science’ and ‘Public Science.’ It seems pretty
obvious that such a centre would merely be a venue for displaying neat tricks and orthodox
theories and be far more involved and concerned with teaching people what to think rather than
how to think.
These actions by Academia against the NBC represent a very real attempt to impede commerce
and a blatantly visible infringement of free speech, and an obvious attempt at the open censorship
of free and democratic intellectual discourse. Can you imagine the reaction of the world if anyone
tried to suppress any information that is presented to us by orthodox scientists or academics? The
reaction would be one of united outrage from all quarters – people, scientists and governments.
There are an endless amount of these blatant moves to stifle valid information and I could
probably fill an entire book with case histories very similar to those I have just presented to you.
Even as recently as September 2005 court action was commenced against an American Public
School for daring to incorporate the mere possibility of creation by intelligent design into it’s
curriculum. Suffice to say for now that there are an alarming number of such cases but I think you
probably get the point I’m trying make here by now.

But no matter how much the facts are twisted by Academia, no matter how often the data is
concealed by ruthless Scientists and no matter how constantly reality is denied by Governments,
the truth will always have a way of rearing its ugly head and ultimately shining through the murk.

A Mosaic of History
Because the real facts are kept so well hidden by “The Powers That Be,” getting to the real
truth and trying to piece together all the pieces, hints, myths, legends, evidences and texts, and
then separate the true facts from the enormous amounts of dis-information that is circulated can
sometimes be an extremely daunting task. But eventually, as new evidence comes to light, a
coherent picture begins to form and some realities can be gleaned.
It has been abundantly shown through our discussions so far that an incredible number of
enigmatic artifacts do actually exist that can only be explained by accepting the reality that the
people of ancient times did in fact possess an advanced scientific knowledge and the history we
have been presented with by academia is completely wrong.

The main objective of this book so far has been to provide information to the reader in order to
illustrate the point that, in regards to history, things are not at all what they seem and from
looking at the previous evidence we can at this point safely deduce the following points:

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