Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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cast in a manner similar to concrete and it has also been shown that it is quite possible to soften
stone through use of common plant extracts in order to build megalithic structures like the ancient
Mayan temples. We can see that the practice is even still performed in modern times by witch
doctors in the making of stone idols. Ancient texts have told us of ancient water treatment and ore
refinery plants in South America and we have located ancient enigmatic structures at the sites that
contain complex networks of sluice tunnels made from smoothened mica that are perfect for the
task and the true purpose of these structures has been abundantly proven by authors such as
Zechariah Sitchim.

  1. We have also seen it is a fact that megalithic ruins do exist on the sea bed in various places
    throughout the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans proving the reality of sunken cities global cataclysms
    and even recently found the traces of a ancient global alphabet. We have viewed artifacts from all
    over the world that prove it is a fact that Ancient man had machinery capable of manufacturing
    precision made devices of intricate complexity. This has been reinforced by the discovery of
    ancient texts that contain well documented, highly detailed and credible accounts of flying
    machines, texts that serve no religious or moral accord but serve only as technical manuals and
    these texts have then been corroborated by artifacts at ancient sites that present pictorial evidence
    of such machines in tombs and on stele from antiquity.

  2. We have further discussed the Sumerian and Indian legends of great wars that were fought in
    the past using incredible weapons and then seen evidence of such wars in radioactive skeletal
    remains, numerous vitrified ruins, the enigmatic plains of blackened plains of the Sinai and the
    strange Libyan Desert Glass, and we have further seen that such weapons are absolutely possible
    through recent advances in our own sciences.

  3. We have heard talk of an ancient race who built cities along a route leading to a spaceport
    and we have seen located, all of the sites of these ancient places and also discovered an
    immeasurably ancient, 88 x 44 meter platform made of 300 ton stone blocks surrounded by a
    retaining wall containing three 800 ton blocks of hewn stone that are well beyond our current
    transportation capabilities at the very site where the spaceport landing pad was said to have been

  4. We have demonstrated the physical evidence on both earth and mars that exists of a
    dramatic celestial impact in the past and we have learned the important lesson demonstrated by
    Comet Levy-Shoemaker Nine, in that comets actually do hit planets. We have seen evidence that
    both Gradual and Cataclysmic geographical changes occur on Earth and been made abundantly
    aware that Polar reversals are an absolute scientific fact.

  5. We have also quite adequately shown that the people of our ancient past already knew all
    of these thing things and that their science had evolved to such a degree that their science, their
    religion and their entire way of life were all intertwined into one entity.
    We have in fact seen Indisputable evidence that everything we thought we knew about our
    history and everything that is being taught to our children in schools about it as fact is quite
    simply, wrong or highly suspect and very debatable to say the least. And not only that but that
    this information is actually quite well known to academia but despite that fact things that are
    known to be fallacious about our true past are still being presented and taught as absolutes.

So the real question becomes why? Why are we being lied to; and why are the continuous
attempts to keep the information suppressed so intense and dramatic? Why is the real
information, so closely hoarded and then so viciously guarded?
Why don’t they want anyone to know the truth? Is it just because they think the truth is too
shocking for us or are there more significant reasons?

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