Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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In 2003, the remains of an entirely new species of previous unknown one meter tall humans
was discovered in a cave called Liang Bua on the Indonesian island of Flores, about 400 miles
east of Bali, and not just one, but the remains of a whole tribe that had apparently been living on a
quite populated island up until possibly as recently as 200 or 300 years ago. Even more recently a
formerly unknown member of our solar system has been confirmed and photographed.
And there is a substantial amount of other new evidence that suggests the very real possibility
that some of the things that were supposed to have happened in our ‘prehistory,’ may not have
really actually occurred, quite that long ago at all.

Of Hobbits, Dinosaurs & Alphabets
The human remains that were discovered in 2003 on Flores toatally shocked the scientists
involved in the find because the skeletons were of a previously unknown miniature human
species. The full-grown human skeleton that was recovered from the site was barely a meter tall
(about the height of a three year old) with a skull about the size of a grapefruit and some
researchers claim that the discovery is now proof positive that the human species is actually far
more diverse than had ever been previously believed. The remains of a cranium both right and
left legs, a hand and other smaller bone fragments were recovered form the site. The diminutive
size of these human remains can be easily seen by a simple comparison of the skull of the Flores
skeleton with that of the skull of a normal sized human (fig.155).
The researchers also determined that the skeleton was not that of a dwarf or otherwise
abnormal in any way, but was in fact perfectly proportioned for its size exactly like a normal
adult only considerably smaller in size. The team also found the remains of a number of other
similar sized humans in the cave as well, confirming that the area was once home to a reasonably
sized population of the little people which have been named Homo- Florensiensis (fig.156).

Fig.155 Fig.156

The discovery of these remains absolutely confounded the Archeology and Anthropology
worlds. According to Darwin’s theory of evolution, researchers had previously believed that any
people with a brain and body of such minute size could only possibly have walked the Earth at a
period of no less than 3 million years ago. The find was indeed so surprising that the aassociate
Professor of Archaeology at the University of New England in Armidale Australia, Professor
Peter Brown commented: "I would have been less surprised if my colleagues had found an alien

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