Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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When considering the remains of the ancient temples that we find dotted across our globe the
question that instantly arises is, why the absolutely ridiculous obsession with temple alignments
and astronomy? What was the meaning behind it all? Because they were awe-struck by the
celestial display of stars? To predict the equinoxes for crop cycles as some have suggested? But if
it was simply for crops, why go to all that trouble to get it so precise -why not just ask a farmer?
Why devote so much attention to alignments? Is there knowledge we can glean from them?
And then there are all the myths and legends.
By examining the brilliant work of authors such as Zechariah Sitchin we have seen it explained
to us what the uses of many ancient places actually were: the mines and metallurgy facilities in
South America, The landing platforms at Baalbeck and Jerusalem, the pyramid beacons in the
Nile Valley. But it still goes further than that.

One of the first notable scholars who believed that the ancient scriptures and temple alignments
held the secrets to an ancient and hidden knowledge was the great scientist Isaac Newton who
spent his life secretly trying to decipher them. Newton was once asked a question by a student or
colleague regarding the planets and gravity which he was unable to answer at the time so he
retired to his study. The resulting thesis he delivered on gravity and planetary rotation (after a
subsequent labor of three years) is still considered by many to be one of the most comprehensive
and brilliant scientific papers ever written. Yet secretly, Newton hearts desire was to acquire
knowledge of the secrets of divine creation known only to God. He believed the secrets were
locked within the ancient scriptures and that the key to unlocking them lay in Alchemy.
For years, many had practiced the forbidden science of Alchemy – seeking the secrets of
turning base metals into the purest gold, yet Newton had a grander vision for the secret craft. He
believed that the bible and other texts contained, disguised within their narrative in numerology,
Alchemical formulas and recipes, the discovery of which would teach him the secrets of creation,
of all life and of the universe. He too, also believed that the Christian story of creation could be
clearly seen within the ancient Babylonian creation epic
The suggestion that the Biblical story of Genesis actually had its origins in a much earlier
Babylonian creation myth (as recounted in the Enuma Elish) and that the Babylonian version
seemed to be derived from a still earlier source, was probably first put forth academically by a
British museum worker called George Smith who worked for years piecing together fragmented
clay tablets from Mesopotamia and eventually published his findings in a quite extraordinary
book entitled ‘The Chaldean Genesis’.
Now, due to the recent discovery of fragments of a much earlier Sumerian version of the
Enuma Elish, it is universally agreed that the Babylonian Epic of Creation has its origins in the
much more complete Sumerian tale and it is Sitchin who ascertains that it is by interpreting the
references and cosmology that underlies the Enuma Elish as actually being Sumerian and not
Babylonian that the true nature of the tale finally emerges.
It can be noted that in the earlier Sumerian version the invader was not named Marduk but
Nibiru, It has now been established that the reference in the Babylonian text to Marduk as being
the ultimate God who created the Earth and ultimately man and everything else, is actually a
forgery where the name Marduk was inserted to replace Nibiru and that this variation in the tale
most likely occurred when Ra/Marduk seized control of Babylon and he and his followers were
anxious to portray their ruling deity as being the supreme creator of all life as well as the lord of
the earth..
I have absolutely no doubt that Sitchin is completely correct in his assertion that if one realizes
the actual origin of the Biblical story of Genesis and interprets it and the many other tales
concerning creation, not as myths and allegorical stories, but as actual factual accounts of a series
of celestial events, a surprisingly coherent and confirmable version of earths true history can
finally be discovered.

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