Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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The bible code itself is one of the most enigmatic things imaginable.

The code that has been found running through the text of the Hebrew Bible by the renowned
mathematician Elijah Rips has stood up to the most rigorous mathematical tests available and is
most certainly a definite reality.
The author of the books on the code, Michael Drosnin, is himself convinced that an actual key
to unlocking the code in its entirety may even exist so it may even be possible to view the code
‘en masse.’ He also believes that the finding of such a key may then even divulge to us who the
original encoder actually was. He may well be right; the bible code itself even seems to strongly
suggest that very possibility.
Rips found the hidden code by removing all the punctuation from the Hebrew bible thus
reducing it to one long string of letters and then applying a computer program to it that was
designed to look for letter skips. It is no surprise that only in such a fashion could the discovery of
the bible code have been achieved as the entire book of the old testament is actually reported to
have been delivered to Moses on mount Sinai as one long string of letters. This is perhaps why
the Hebrew version has always remained true to its original form without one letter changed.
The Hebrew bible is not the words of God and does not really contain the words of God, but is,
in fact, the word of God in the singular form.
It has always been referred to in this manner and this of course implies that it was always really
meant to be just one word, one long contiguous letter string that is in itself, essentially a single
word, possibly even like an anachronism for something else hidden. The word of God is an
immense singular word of 304,805 letters into which could theoretically be encoded a myriad of
other seemingly endless possibilities. The bible code itself appears to function in this way and to
be an incredibly complex, yet somehow simplistically perfect, complete mathematical formula
that encompasses all of life, the earth and our history – within a story. Truly – a divine code and
to change even one letter would totally invalidate the entire mathematical formula.
Drosnin is certain that the bible code itself states that the key to unlocking the complete code is
secreted in an ‘ark’ of some kind, a container or sealed vessel of metal and has something to do
with an obelisk or pillar that may well be buried somewhere in Jordan. Most of the evidence he
has managed to gather so far from the code itself strongly indicates an area in the Northern Sinai
in the vicinity of Mazra near the Lisan peninsula, a small and inhospitable piece of land that juts
into the southern Dead Sea.
Who could have come up with a code that encompasses all the secrets of our world and
concealed them in a lost book that could not be opened until the invention of the computer? And
then secreted the key to this incredible mathematical formula for life in a metal box, information
about which is inscribed on an obelisk or pillar?
Was it God? Was it Aliens?
Maybe it was a time traveler who had an awfully good knowledge of history?
Or was it one ‘God’ in particular who may not have actually been a God at all?

Divine Codes
In his search for the key that may break the bible code, the ‘ark’ in which it was hidden and the
enigmatic obelisk that was mentioned by the code, Drosnin discovered another truly enigmatic
message that said ‘Steel Vehicle’ which was crossed by ‘His Vehicle He Threw into the Sea.’,
which was a somewhat bizarre statement to find in the bible code.
Drosnin was stunned at these results and further investigation of the code in search of its key
produced even more cryptic results: ‘Garden of Lisan’ was found, and then ‘I will place the
language gene’ was crossed by ‘I will make intelligent’.
Now thoroughly perplexed he continued, soon discovering all in one area, ‘Code’, ‘Key’, ‘His
Tablet Vitalized the Obelisk’ and ‘The Origin of it, This is the area of the Engraved Letters,
Hidden’ which was crossed by ‘Birth Pangs of Language’.

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