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Understanding Me 279

we will find that the other mental strategies can also be described in simple
and general terms.A
What we are really saying is that the mind is fractal. No matter where
we look in human thought, we keep seeing the same seven modes of
processing. The same „features‟ keep reappearing in separate places, at
various scales, using different sensory input. In addition, not only do the
seven basic modes of processing keep showing up, but these various ways
of thinking themselves relate together with parallels and symmetries. The
result is that Teacher strategy can look at the thinking of the human brain
and discover massive fractal order within a vast complexity of seemingly
unrelated thoughts.
Notice that I am not suggesting that Teacher processing is the same as
human thought. However, just as Perceiver mode is responsible for
generating maps for the entire mind, so Teacher strategy is capable of
bringing order to all of thinking. The difference between thinking, and
Teacher understanding of thinking, became obvious to me while I was
developing this theory. Time and again, my mind would react in a certain
way and then a split second later, subconscious Teacher thought would
come up with the explanation for this mental reaction. My understanding
of thought came after the thinking itself.

Emotional ‘Lift’

If Teacher strategy can come up with a general theory of human
thought, it becomes possible for Teacher mode to provide „lift‟ for all of
the mind, including me. This is because the presence of a lasting good
Teacher emotion makes it possible to change the emotional focus of the
mind. We have seen how each person grows up with his thinking
emotionally integrated around a core of Mercy experiences—the me of
childish Mercy identification. Learning Perceiver facts about me builds the
framework for a new identity, but this network of personal beliefs is still
just a bare skeleton imposed upon the clouds of uncertainty, a sort of vision
in the air. It is only when my emotional core moves into this framework
that it fills out and starts to become real.
If my emotions came only from Mercy experiences and Mercy feelings,
then it would be impossible for me really to leave the ground, because
Mercy strategy deals always and only with concrete experiences. On the
other hand, suppose that Teacher thought comes up with a general theory
which brings order to all of my thinking. My mind will now be held
together by two emotional sources: Mercy absolutes and Teacher
understanding. Now it is possible for the me of emotional Mercy

A Notice how our Perceiver facts describe mental functioning (something

which occurs over time) in general terms. Sound familiar?

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