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294 A Programmer’s Guide to the Mind

The Theory Addict

I have suggested that all of human thought contains a fractal order
which can be described by a general theory of the mind. This may sound
great in theoretical terms, but what does it really mean to coexist with a
general theory. What does it feel like? How does me react?
I suggest that this type of situation has never occurred before. Science
has given us many general theories, but whenever these theories come into
contact with me, they turn soft, as logical corners are abraded by emotional
pressure. Religion talks about me, but it also turns into pious mush or
incomprehensible revelation when it gets too close to the core of me.A
Therefore, I should warn you that when this theory hits your mind, it will
do weird and wondrous things along the lines of: “Wow man, far out,
psychedelic, what a trip!”
I suggest that this mental encounter could in fact be compared to
getting hooked on a drug.B First there is the initial „high.‟ People who hear
about cognitive styles are usually quite excited: “That is fascinating! When
is your book coming out?” However, after a little while, the „drug‟ of a
new theory wears off and people continue with their normal existence,
satisfied with the idea of a general theory, and convinced that the reality
cannot be attained.
If people hear more about this
theory, then they often have a
negative reaction, almost like the
aftermath of a bad drug „trip.‟ The
idea of mental cause and effect
makes them uncomfortable, the
intrusion of logic into the
subjective leads them into the
threshold of confusion, and an
encounter with the strange emotion
of Teacher thought inside their

A Religion usually has rational elements and often claims to follow logic,

but my experience is that sufficient probing will always reveal some core
rooted in hypnotic mesmerization and emotional 'truth'—some area in
which the religious person is convinced that “God‟s ways are utterly and
totally beyond the comprehension of finite man.” Is this bad? No, it is
childish. We naturally begin life with Perceiver thought mesmerized. The
solution does not lie in rejecting childish 'truth,' like a rebellious teenager,
but rather in analyzing the facts as a growing adult.
B I am speaking theoretically here. I have never taken drugs and do not

drink alcohol. A general theory of the mind provides a good enough

More theory please?!
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