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More on Teacher Strategy 315

 It is protected by claiming that it is „beyond comprehension.‟

But how can a discussion of understanding be avoided without
admitting to a lack of understanding? The answer is simple. Remember
that Teacher emotion depends upon generality. Therefore, if a pseudo-
theory can claim to be above understanding, beyond logic, or a superset of
rationality, then it acquires instant intellectual grandeur, and
simultaneously avoids all intellectual confrontation that might unmask it.
For example, when I try to describe the theory of cognitive styles to
people, the discussion usually begins upon an intellectual footing with an
exchange of Teacher concepts and theories. This is because I have a theory
of human thought, and the other individual has a pseudo-theory. In both
cases, Teacher strategy is operating and likes to „walk‟ from one topic to
another while holding on to its possession of an understanding. However,
very often a transition occurs in which the other person suddenly changes
his tune and asserts, “It is impossible to comprehend the topic; after all, no
one could ever understand the mind.” What has happened is that I have
made the „mistake‟ of expanding the discussion to include other fields of
thought. This shows the generality of my theory and unveils the limitations
of the other individual‟s pseudo-theory. Why do I know that it is his theory
which is inadequate? Because my theory has a larger domain. I can expand
it to include many areas, whereas he must protect his „general‟
understanding by restricting it to specific topics.
Pseudo-theories are unveiled when they are exposed to other areas of
thought. But, a theory which has been exposed can still defend itself by
restricting intellectual interaction, reinforcing itself with Mercy feelings,
and ultimately removing itself from the source of the discomfort. How are
these elusive pseudo-theories finally defeated? By removing their Mercy
foundation. If the Mercy feelings which support a pseudo-theory can be
belittled or destroyed, then the immature Teacher thought that is valuing
them will no longer feel that it has a general understanding. As long as the
Emperor can wear royal clothing and act regal, he can still feel like a king,
even if he is a prisoner within his castle. However, take away his trappings,
or show that the Emperor has no clothes, and the facade vanishes.
Destroying the Mercy foundation of a pseudo-theory is a risky business.
There is a danger that the very act of destruction will itself become a
defining Mercy experience which reinforces the theory which one is trying
to destroy. For instance, many pseudo-intellectual political or religious
movements have gained immortality when the founder was killed and
turned into a martyr.
It is much safer to belittle the Mercy foundation of a pseudo-theory—
by showing that the „Emperor has no clothes.‟ How is this done? By
developing real clothes. People will then look at the Mercy trappings of
the pseudo-theory, laugh, and say, “The king is not wearing anything;

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