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338 A Programmer’s Guide to the Mind

We accept Teacher „schizophrenia‟ and „multiples‟ as normal behavior.
 Our bodies do not force us to develop Teacher emotions.
 Natural law and order allow us to ignore internal Teacher chaos.

Of course, Teacher theories which are rooted in natural law can be
applied to other situations, just as Mercy thinking which is based in
common sense can be expanded to the outside world. However, the
professional is often so specialized, so politically driven, and so
institutionally ingrown that much of his thinking, outside of his own
specific area, can only be described as schizophrenic. In terms of our
animal analogy, he uses his „flea‟ of a theory to explain the „elephant‟ of
the world, and the skin of his „flea‟ can stretch only so far before
everything explodes into a mass of hot air.
So how does the average Teacher person react to this kind of
intellectual environment? If he lacks education and follows the path of
„multiple personalities,‟ he may never discover that his world is ruled by
some kind of Teacher order. Instead, like the European who learns to speak
multiple languages, his mind is so thoroughly pummeled by conflicting
slogans and abstract chaos that he becomes permanently divided in his
thought. He survives by swallowing theories whole from people with
Mercy status. When he does think, he generates pseudo-theories based in
Mercy feelings. His responses are driven by subconscious strategies—it
may seem as if „no one is home.‟ When Mercy emotions are healthy, then
he is the „obedient and studious child.‟ However, if they are damaged, then
he becomes the rebel against whom nothing works—for he is now doubly
split emotionally.
The Teacher individual who has learned to do some thinking may in
turn become the „schizophrenic.‟ Teacher feeling initially operates, as he
attempts to work out intellectual order, just as the Mercy schizophrenic
begins life by permitting himself to feel personal emotions. However, a
point is finally reached at which the pain of living is so intense that a
decision is made to pull back from further emotional involvement. The
Mercy schizophrenic withdraws from the world of experiences and retreats
into his little „home‟ of pleasant memories and fantasy. Similarly, the
Teacher „schizophrenic‟ stops evaluating new theory, retreats into his little
castle of current understanding, and pulls up the drawbridge. He may
become the „physicist,‟ the „mathematician,‟ the „religious scholar‟—a
single profession defines his entire existence. Like the Mercy who has
withdrawn from life, he occasionally allows Teacher strategy to operate,
but most of the time he uses conscious control to freeze Teacher thought,
so that he does not have to endure more intellectual pain. What others
suffer from involuntarily, therefore, he enters into freely and willingly.
Teacher „multiple personalities,‟ and to a lesser extent Teacher
„schizophrenia,‟ may be interpreted by others as loyalty. The split Teacher

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