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Split People in a Split World 337

held by those who speak in other tongues. In the same way that the
behavior of an individual with multiple personalities can shift completely
as he moves from one context to another, so Teacher theories vary
dramatically as one travels from one language group to another. In contrast,
a universal Teacher theory, free of Teacher multiples, would be like a
linguist who knew all tongues, and could understand what everyone was
saying, in every environment.A
Multiple personalities are generated in the Mercy part when a mental
split occurs before the other mental „rooms‟ have a chance to bring
integration to the „house‟ of the mind. In contrast, schizophrenia is
associated with an emotional split which occurs later on, after the mental
„house‟ is partially connected. In the Teacher parallel to this, it is normal
society that tends to suffer from Teacher „multiple personalities,‟ for it is
relatively uneducated. In contrast, I suggest that the professional and
technical world, with its higher education, is more prone to cases of
Teacher „schizophrenia.‟ Just as the Mercy schizophrenic reacts to Mercy
hurt by withdrawing to a safe corner of emotional comfort, so the
professional individual tends to protect his world of Teacher theory by
restricting his thought to some safe corner of Teacher order: Outside, there
is chaos, but he is fine because he is a „medical doctor,‟ an „electrical
engineer,‟ a „ballet dancer,‟ or a „biologist.‟ Within his small domain, the
professional feels safe with his limited Teacher theories, precisely like the
„know it all‟ Teacher person as a child.B When he deals with other areas of
thought, the professional often tries to project his own small ideas onto the
world at large, just as the Mercy schizophrenic attempts to impose his
strange way of perceiving reality upon the outside world. Bring an
engineer and a psychologist together, for instance, and they will probably
find it rather difficult to carry on a professional conversation.

We treat Mercy schizophrenia and multiple personalities as diseases.
 Our physical bodies and world force us to deal with Mercy hurts.
 A world of changing experiences makes us value Mercy stability.

A North Americans often pretend that the language problem does not exist.

This is because English is spoken across most of the continent and is also
the dominant language of the world. North American wealth, progress, and
power allow English-speakers to ignore those who do not speak their
tongue, and to reject their ideas as trivial and irrelevant.
B The condition of Teacher schizophrenia is so prevalent in scientific

circles that we have not yet been able to have this work evaluated. Usually
a scientist says, “That is not my field.” If it is his field, then he generally
states, “I am not qualified.” When push comes to shove, his final response
is, “I am really very busy.”

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