(nextflipdebug5) #1


The top axis describes two ways of thinking: analytical or associative.
The left axis indicates two forms of information: abstract or concrete. The
diagonals show two methods of labeling memory: emotion or confidence.
The four names in the corners are the simple styles. Two of these (Teacher
and Mercy) think with emotions, the other two (Perceiver and Server) use
confidence. The three names in the middle of the diagram are the
composite styles, because they combine other modes of thought. The
Exhorter combines Teacher and Mercy strategy, the Contributor combines
Perceiver and Server thought, and the Facilitator mixes and balances all
other modes (this is not shown explicitly).
The arrows indicate flow of information. Data passes from Mercy to
Perceiver, from Teacher to Server, and from Exhorter through Contributor
to Facilitator. The line connecting Perceiver, Contributor and Server (the
line of confidence) is drawn in black to indicate precise connections:
Contributor thought takes a single Server memory and connects it with a
single Perceiver memory, or it takes a single Perceiver memory and links it
to a single Server memory. The line connecting Teacher, Exhorter and
Mercy (the line of emotion) is drawn in gray to indicate fuzzy connections:
Exhorter thought works out a general relationship between Mercy and
Teacher memories.

Analytical Associative

Abstract Teacher Perceiver

Concrete Server Mercy


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