Absolute A Perceiver fact, residing within the internal world of
Perceiver thought, which determines the labeling of other facts.
Because facts only enter into the internal world of Perceiver thought
through the step of belief, an absolute is always a belief. Within each
mental context, the fact with the greatest certainty will act as an
Abstract One of two basic types of mental information. Abstract data
consists of ideas, theories, and facts. It looks for general principles.
Teacher and Perceiver modes work with abstract data.
Analytical One of the two major ways of mental processing. Analytical
thinking works with time, order, and sequences. Analytical processing
occurs within the left hemisphere of the brain cortex. Teacher and
Server strategy think analytically.
Approval conscience The form of conscience created by emotional
'truth.' Mental connections between cause and effect are determined by
the opinions of important people, and punishment or approval is also
doled out by these same individuals, or by their representatives.
Associative One of the two major ways of mental processing.
Associative thought works with objects, and space. Associative
processing occurs within the right hemisphere of the brain cortex.
Perceiver and Mercy modes think associatively.
Automatic Thought The „storage shed‟ of thought. Each of the four
simple styles has its own region of automatic thought. Any input to the
mind is automatically placed and sorted within automatic thought.
Back of the Cortex See posterior cortex.
Beauty The feeling that comes from associating positive Teacher
feelings with a Mercy object. Beauty may also involve Mercy emotions,
but these are secondary to the Teacher feelings.
Belief The step which places a Perceiver fact within the internal world
of Perceiver thought. If a Perceiver fact is associated with excessive
Mercy feelings, then Perceiver strategy will be mesmerized into
'believing' it. If a fact is repeated sufficient times within automatic
Perceiver thought, then Perceiver thought will be strongly encouraged
to believe it. This book treats truth and a belief as synonyms.
Catharsis A method of removing feelings of guilt by reliving a
condemning situation in altered form. The mind is presented with an
experience which is almost identical to the one which originally created