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Glossary 357

around their Perceiver beliefs. Culture can either be the basis for mental
thought, or an expression of internal thought.

Defining Experience A Mercy memory which has sufficient emotional
strength both to affect Mercy feelings and to determine Perceiver 'truth.'
First, it is an emotional absolute—the most emotional memory within
its Mercy context. Second, it mesmerizes the Perceiver observer into
'believing' that this specific situation defines 'truth.'

Elegance The feeling that comes from associating positive Teacher
emotions with the movement of some Mercy or Server based object or

Emotion A mental and physical sensation related to interaction. If the
interaction is harmful, then the emotion will be painful. If the
interaction is beneficial, then the feelings will be positive. Emotion may
be produced by either Teacher or Mercy thought depending upon the
type of interaction. If there is an interplay between ideas, theories,
words, curves, outlines, or sequences, then Teacher feelings will be
generated. If the interaction involves people, experiences, events,
meanings, or objects, then Mercy feelings will be produced.

Emotional Absolute The Mercy memory, within a certain context, with
the strongest emotional label. It determines how Mercy thought feels
about all related memories. Each mental context would have its own
emotional absolute.

Excitement A mental or physical sensation produced by Exhorter
thought, which is generated in turn by emotion. Excitement is related to
novelty. When there is the possibility of something new, uncertain, or
unpredictable, then there will be excitement. If there is no change,
excitement turns into boredom. If change is blocked, then excitement is
replaced by frustration. Excitement and mental energy are closely

Fact A repeatable arrangement of Mercy experiences. If Perceiver
strategy sees that certain Mercy items occur together often, it accepts
these connections as a fact. Facts involve mainly automatic Perceiver
thought. Beliefs and truth, in contrast, always live within the internal
Perceiver world.

'Fact' The arrangement of a single Mercy situation, the emotions of
which fool Perceiver thought into thinking that this arrangement will be
repeated in other situations. A 'belief' or 'truth' is a strengthened form of

Faith Belief in action. Belief describes a fact which Perceiver thought
knows to be accurate. Faith combines Perceiver knowing in facts with
Server knowing in actions. This enables Contributor strategy—which
combines Perceiver and Server thought—to operate. In other words,

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