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Glossary 359

the emotions produced by the body, while the latter is developed by the
structure, knowledge, strength and skills of the body.

Meditation Focusing upon the positive Teacher feelings of a general
theory that is rooted in Mercy identification. If Mercy thought identifies
with some experience, person, or object, this will fool Perceiver
strategy into 'believing' the 'fact' that these things belong together. If
this 'belief' is accepted as an 'absolute,' then Perceiver mode will
'believe' the universal 'truth' that all specific items belong together.
Teacher thought will then notice this system of 'belief' and view it as a
description of order within complexity. The result will be positive
Teacher emotion, rooted in Mercy-driven delusion.

Natural Conscience The form of conscience which develops from
common sense. Perceiver thought discovers solid connections between
cause and effect which are independent of the opinions of people or
their emotional status. Natural conscience is held together by Perceiver

Object A collection of Mercy memories organized by Perceiver strategy.
Perceiver thought observes Mercy mode and decides which Mercy
experiences belong together and which do not. If Perceiver strategy
decides that certain Mercy memories form a group, then these Mercy
memories will become an object. Mental objects can come in all sizes,
shapes, and forms. They can be modified into something quite abstract
and different from the initial Mercy situations.

Objective A form of thought which protects Perceiver facts by avoiding
Mercy feelings. When objective thought analyzes the natural world, it
leads to common sense and Teacher understanding, but threatens Mercy
thought. Science is an example of objective thinking.

Opportunity A possibility to better my personal condition by attaching
something good to me. Opportunity assumes that Perceiver structure
suffices to keep the goal stable while I am reaching for it, and that
Perceiver rules exist to keep the object attached to me once I have
acquired it. My view of opportunity will depend upon my definition of

Patience A Perceiver connection between two Mercy events that are
separated by time, in which the second experience is better than the first.
If Mercy strategy identifies with the first experience (which feels bad),
then Perceiver thought predicts that Mercy thought will also be able to
identify with the second experience (which feels good). Conscience and
patience use the same mental mechanism. Episodes of patience can
combine to create a path of patience, which is able to propel me
through personal transformation.

Personal Transformation The process of changing a me based in
emotional 'truth' to one rooted in logical facts. The Perceiver facts

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