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Glossary 361

all modes of thought except Mercy processing are subconscious. A
person may be partially aware of some of his subconscious. For
instance, the Perceiver person can „see‟ Mercy thought.

Subjective A form of thinking which accepts Mercy feelings, and
avoids Perceiver logic by allowing Mercy emotions to mesmerize the
Perceiver observer. Much of art, religion, entertainment, and the soft
sciences fall into the category of subjective thought.

Suffering Emotional pain which the me of the physical body imposes
upon the me of Mercy identification. In some way, either the world or
my body forces me to live with emotional discomfort. Suffering can
lead to personal transformation if the process of removing the pain
teaches lessons of patience.

Syndrome A method of removing feelings of guilt by appealing to
medical knowledge. If my ailments can be diagnosed by the medical
profession as a set of symptoms which are common to many people,
then I can blame my body or my environment for my failures. Note:
This misuse of medicine originates in subjective thought. The
syndrome is similar to catharsis.

Temptation The mental feeling that results from combining a „bait‟
which is always present with a „hook‟ that is sometimes present.
Because punishment is only probable and not certain, the mind looks
for ways of enjoying the pleasure while avoiding the punishment.

Threshold of Uncertainty The region of Perceiver uncertainty which
separates logical facts from emotional 'truth.' Emotions (usually from
Mercy thought) are not strong enough to mesmerize Perceiver thought
into 'knowing' what is 'true,' and Perceiver confidence is not strong
enough for logical thought to know what is true. In this state, the
Perceiver observer is half awake.

Tolerance The belief that each person is the source of his own 'truth,'
and that no one should be the source of someone else‟s 'truth.'
Tolerance destroys Perceiver thought because it forbids Perceiver
strategy from looking for similarities between situations. This leaves
emotional 'truth' in charge and ensures that some person will always be
the source of 'truth'—thus bringing an end to tolerance.

Transformation See Personal Transformation.

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