Food Can Fix It - dr. Mehmet Oz

(pertamaxxx) #1

people who have gone through a successful body transformation.


It’s the place where inspiration becomes action.

On the hundredth episode of The Dr. Oz Show, I brought in one hundred people
who had lost 45 kilos. While everyone who has struggled with weight can attest
to the difficulty of losing it, there is quite a difference between dropping 45 kilos
and dropping, say, twenty. Losing triple-digits takes not only time, but also extra
dedication and strategy.
When we invited those folks on the show, I expected a wide range of answers
to the question “How did you lose the weight?” I thought people would say
things like “forty-five minutes of cardio exercise a day” and “egg-white
omelettes” and “no eating after six P.M.” and “a picture of my skinny jeans
hanging on the fridge door.”

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