Food Can Fix It - dr. Mehmet Oz

(pertamaxxx) #1

Try our Broccoli and Cauliflower Medley with garlic, lemon, and a pinch of red
chilli flakes.

Fats to watch out for in large amounts are the saturated kind (like those found
in red meat and dairy products). Those are the ones that jack up cholesterol,
which can wind up as dangerous plaque on artery walls and trigger panicked 9-
9-9 calls. While you don’t have to eliminate red meat, I would recommend you
severely restrict it if you have a significant risk of heart disease. (One of the first
ways we learned about this was through studies of American soldiers killed in
the Korean War. Their arteries were examined and high levels of plaque were
discovered in previously healthy eighteen-year-old men who grew up on our
typical red meat–rich diet.)

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