Food Can Fix It - dr. Mehmet Oz

(pertamaxxx) #1

Ilardi pointed to six lifestyle markers, including exercise, social connections,
and of course, food: The Kaluli diet had the right balance of omega-3s and
omega-6s. He argues that the modern American diet has too many omega-6s,
which can be inflammatory (and thus can be related to depression), and not
enough omega-3s (found in fish and other sources), which are anti-inflammatory.
The Kaluli eat lots of fish, so their omega-3s were in balance—an important
factor for mood control.
The massive benefit of omega-3s is just one reason fish is such a big part of
my 21-Day Plan and a foundation for the way you’ll eat for the rest of your life.
Fish contains nutrients that feed your brain—not just so you’re sharper, but so
you feel better. Will you never have sugar cravings again? Of course not, and
there’s nothing wrong with special-occasion sugar—if you go for it occasionally.
As for everyday hankerings? Handle those by creating the environments I talked
about in chapter 3. If you strategize and prepare to manage hunger and
temptation by having healthy foods near you, you’ll reach for them, rather than
junk. (See the box for my ways to satisfy any in-the-moment craving.) Executive
brain, you’ve got this.

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