Food Can Fix It - dr. Mehmet Oz

(pertamaxxx) #1

These cultures intuitively experimented with food to fortify and beautify their
bodies. They stuck with what they found effective. We do that, today. When my
daughter Arabella was going through some periods of dry and dull skin, we
suggested she boost her diet with omega-3 fatty acids because of the oil’s
healthy properties. (We actually tried this on our pets first, and when their coats
improved dramatically, we moved on to experimenting with Arabella. This was
my mother-in-law’s idea, so I would have blamed her if it had failed!) The
change worked, likely because omega-3s are rich in two compounds (DHA and
EPA) linked to improved skin. (Though Arabella’s problem wasn’t acne, the fats
have been shown to alleviate that condition as well.) As you remember, these
fats are found in cold-water fish, including salmon, tuna, and sardines, but you

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