We have given in our Tafsir (Exegesrs) various testimonies, with their chains of
authorities, in support of what Ibn Ishaq recounted.
One such is what was reported by al-haj* Aba Muhammad b. Abii Hatim,
namely, "My father related to us, quoting Muhammad b. Abii Bakr
al-Muqaddimi, quoting al-Mu'tamir b. Sulaymiin, quoting his father, quoting
al-Hadrami, quoting from Aba al-Siwz, from Jundab b. 'Abd Allsh, that the
Messenger of God (SAAS) sent forth some men, having appointed Abii Wbayda
b. al-Jarrah - or Wbayda b. al-Hsith - as their commander. But when he came
to leave, he wept in longing for the Messenger of God (SAAS) and sat down.
And so he apppointed 'Abd Allah b. Jahsb over them and wrote a letter to hi,
telling him not to read it until he reached a certain place. He told him, 'Do not
force any of your men to proceed further with you.'
"When be read the letter, he spoke the words, 'We are God's and to Him do
we return,' and said, 'To hear is to obey, both God and His Messenger.' He then
told them what the letter contained. Two of their number then went back, while
the rest stayed. They met up with Ibn al-Hadrami and killed him, not knowing
whether that day was in the month of Rajab or Jumada. The polytheists told the
Muslims, 'You have killed a man in the sacred month!' God then revealed, 'They
will ask you about the sacred month, and about fighting during it. Say: fighting
then is a grave matter"' (s8rat al-Bagara; 11, v.217).
Isma'il b. 'Abd al-Rahmnn al-Suddi al-Kabir stated in his exegesis, from Abii
Mdik, from Abii Sdih, from Ibn 'Ahbas, and from Murra, from Ihn Mascad,
from a group of the Companions regarding this verse, "They will ask you" that
it referred to the Messenger of God (SAAS) having sent out a raiding party of
seven men commanded by 'Abd Allsh h. Jahsh. Among them were 'Ammu b.
Ynsir, Aba Hudhayfa b. Wtba, Sa'd b. Aba Waqqas, Wtba b. Ghazwm, Sahl b.
Bayda', 'Amir b. Fuhayra and Waqid b. 'Abd Allah al-Yarba'i, an ally of Wmar
h. al-Khannb.
(The narration states) "He wrote a letter for Ibn J6sh and ordered him not to
read it before he reached the Malal valley. When he arrived there he opened the
letter. It told him to proceed on to the valley at Nakhla. He told his companions,
'Whoever desires death, let him proceed and appoint an executor; I have
appointed one and am proceeding to carry out the orders of the Messenger of
God (SAAS).'
"He proceeded further and Sa'd and Wtba lost their mount and stayed behind
to find it. Ibn J&sh and his companions went on and encamped in the Nakhla
valley. There they found al-uakam b. Kay-, al-Mughira b. Wthmm and 'Abd
AU& h. al-Mughira." His account then related how Waqid killed 'Amr b.
al-Hadrami and how they went back with the booty and the two prisoners. This
was the first booty taken by the Muslims. The polytheists said, "Muhammad
claims that he obeys God. Yet it is he who makes killing lawful in the holy
month, having killed our man in Rajab.' The Muslims responded that it was in
Jumada that they had killed him."