14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

114 14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

John 20:29). If John 13:7–11 focuses on the theological meaning of Jesus’
actions, verses 12–17 center on their practical significance. The practi-
cal significance is to positively respond to Jesus’ invitation to live as a
disciple who follows the path of blessing by expressing the fullness of his
love through the most humble and self-emptying acts of service.

Bringing Together Orthodoxy and Orthopraxy (James 2:14–17)

2:14 –17. The book of James, unlike the Gospels of Mark and John, belies
easy structural analysis as it moves rapidly from one topic to the next.
What is undeniable is James’ admonition that true faith is expressed in
action. James fuses orthodoxy (right theology) with orthopraxy (right
actions). Right actions of service may not be necessary for salvation but
they are the natural by-product and evidence of true, saving faith.
Notice the specificity of verses 15–16. James intentionally selects this
example not as a casual rhetorical or hypothetical illustration, but as
an expression of what ought to be the concrete reality of every Christ-
follower. Unfortunately for some Christians, it is difficult to fully live
out the specific teachings of these verses precisely because their lives are
devoid of any brothers or sisters who are without clothes and daily food.
The Christian experience is to be grounded in service to the mar-
ginalized of society as can also be seen in Matthew 6:3–4, 11; Luke 3:11;
James 1:27 and 1 John 3:16–18. Echoing the Lord’s Prayer in Luke 11:2–
4; it is the actions of the disciple (helping others secure daily provision)
that reveal the veracity of the words of faith he or she speaks. To put it
succinctly, “faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead”
(James 2:17). James indicated that this was most clearly evident when
disciples failed to help the brothers and sisters they encountered secure
their most basic of needs.

Focusing on the Meaning

The highly effective disciple develops the discipline of service. To use
a modern analogy, one does not purchase a vehicle simply to leave it
parked in the driveway, only to discuss with others the theory of driving.
In a similar way, one does not become a Christian to remain parked in
idle but to join Jesus in the journey of a lifetime. Freedom, if you will, is

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