468 thematic index
Transcendence- immanence dialectic: belief
in, 53; Buddhism, 451; Confucianism,
206, 448, 451; humanization of the world,
94– 96, 106– 110; in politics of religion, 292;
revolution and, 40– 41; salvation and, 219;
salvation religions, 147, 206; self- exclusion
from, 233– 234; sources of, 205– 207;
struggle with the world, 209– 210; the
three orientations and, 453– 454
Transcendence religions, 52– 53, 206
Transcendent mono the isms, 284
Trinity doctrine, 173– 174, 227, 272, 279, 288,
450– 451
Two regimes doctrine: arbitrariness and
anti- naturalism argument against, 151– 155,
162; Cartesian wave, 148– 149, 151; classical
ontology project and, 208– 209; core idea,
146– 147; four waves, 147– 155; historicist
wave, 149– 151, 155, 156– 158; Kantian
wave, 149– 150, 151– 153, 155, 157– 158; near
emptiness and false content argument
against, 155– 159; nominalist wave, 147– 148,
151– 152, 154
Unity of mankind, 42– 46
Universal being and mind, 62– 71, 82, 88,
388– 390, 405
Universalism, ethical, 344– 352, 370
Universality, mutilation of, 397– 405
Universe, the: a friend in charge of, 10– 12;
history of, explaining the, 139– 140;
understanding, 8– 10; unique existence
of, 7– 9, 126– 127, 184, 201, 209
Upsanishads, 62
Vaisesika school of thought, 144
Vedas, 41, 62, 63, 107, 216, 394
Virtue as self- transformation, 366– 369
Virtue ethics, 367
Virtues, the: of connection, 370– 378, 387,
427; of divinization, 382– 387, 427,
432; of purifi cation, 378– 382, 387, 418,
Vitalism, 167
Vitality, 83, 130, 136, 342, 379
Vulnerability, 377, 383– 384, 393, 430– 432
Wage labor giving way to free labor: class
society and, 100– 102, 185, 322, 325, 336– 337;
cooperative regime, infl uence on, 338– 340;
pro cesses of, 211; respect and opportunity
equality, 296– 297, 314– 323; transformation
through work as vocation, 398, 401– 403,
413, 429– 432. See also Labor
“Wisdom, Revelation and Doubt” (Daedalus,
Schwartz, ed.), 447
Work. See Labor
World, the: of the conscious self, illusion of,
3– 4; historicist conception, 149– 151, 155,
156– 158; meaninglessness of, 90– 92,
96– 98, 102– 103; understanding, possibility
of, 6– 10