Maximizing L(u) is equivalent to
maximizing lnL(u)
¼0,j¼1, 2,...,q
qequations inqunknowns require
iterativesolution by computer
The standard approach for maximizing an
expression like the likelihood function for the
binomial example here is to use calculus by
setting the derivative dL/dpequal to 0 and solv-
ing for the unknown parameter or parameters.
For the binomial example, when the derivative
dL/dpis set equal to 0, the ML solution obtained
is^pequal to 0.75. Thus, the value 0.75 is the
“most likely” value forp in the sense that it
maximizes the likelihood functionL.
If we substitute into the expression for La
value for pexceeding 0.75, this will yield a
smaller value forLthan obtained when substi-
tutingpequal to 0.75. This is why 0.75 is called
the value forLusing the binomial formula is 0,
which is as small asLcan get and is, therefore,
less than the value ofLwhenpequals the ML
value of 0.75.
Note that for the binomial example, the ML
valuep^equal to 0.75 is simply the sample pro-
portion of the 100 trials that are successful. In
other words, for a binomial model,the sample
proportionalways turns out to be the ML esti-
mator of the parameterp. So for this model, it is
not necessary to work through the calculus to
derive this estimate. However, for models more
complicated than the binomial, for example, the
logistic model, calculus computations involving
derivatives are required and are quite complex.
In general, maximizing the likelihood function
L(u) is equivalent to maximizing the natural
log ofL(u), which is computationally easier.
The components ofuare then found as solu-
tions of equations of partial derivatives as
shown here. Each equation is stated as the
partial derivative of the log of the likelihood
function with respect toyjequals 0, whereyj
is thejth individual parameter.
If there areq parameters in total, then the
above set of equations is a set ofqequations
inqunknowns. These equations must then be
solved iteratively, which is no problem with the
right computer program.
EXAMPLE (continued)
Maximum value obtained by solving
¼ 0
^p¼0.75 “most likely”
binomial formula
p¼ 1 )L(1)¼c 175 (11)^25
¼ 0 <L(0.75)
^p¼ 0 : 75 ¼
, a sample proportion
Binomial model
nis ML estimator
More complicated models)complex
Presentation: IV. The Likelihood Function and Its Use in the ML Procedure 113