The conditional formula:
Prðobserved dataÞ
Prðall possible configurationsÞ
m 1 cases: (X 1 ,X 2 ,...,Xm 1 )
nm 1 noncases:
(Xm 1 +1,Xm 1 +2,...,Xn)
LC¼Pr(firstm 1 Xs are cases | all
possible configurations ofXs)
Possible configurations
¼combinations of n things
takenm 1 at a time
¼Cmn 1
l¼ 1
l¼m 1 þ 1
½ 1 PðXlÞ
l¼ 1
l¼m 1 þ 1
½ 1 PðXulÞ
l¼ 1
l¼m 1 þ 1
½ 1 PðXlÞ
The conditional likelihood formula (LC) reflects
the probability of the observed data configura-
tion relative to the probability of all possible
configurations of the given data. To understand
this, we describe the observed data configura-
tion as a collection ofm 1 cases and nm 1
noncases. We denote the cases by theXvectors
X 1 ,X 2 , and so on throughXm 1 and the non-
cases byXm 1 +1,Xm 1 +2,throughXn.
The above configuration assumes that we have
rearranged the observed data so that them 1
cases are listed first and are then followed
in listing by thenm 1 noncases. Using this
configuration, the conditional likelihood func-
tion gives the probability that the firstm 1 of
the observations actually go with the cases,
given all possible configurations of the above
nobservations into a set ofm 1 cases and a set
ofnm 1 noncases.
The termconfigurationhere refers to one of the
possible ways that the observed set ofXvectors
can be partitioned intom 1 cases andnm 1
noncases. In example 1 here, for instance, the
lastm 1 Xvectors are the cases and the remain-
ingXs are noncases. In example 2, however,
them 1 cases are in the middle of the listing of
The number of possible configurations is given
by the number of combinations ofnthings
takenm 1 at a time, which is denoted mathe-
matically by the expression shown here, where
theCin the expression denotes combinations.
The formula for the conditional likelihood is
then given by the expression shown here. The
numerator is exactly the same as the likelihood
for the unconditional method. The denomina-
tor is what makes the conditional likelihood
different from the unconditional likelihood.
Basically, the denominator sums the joint pro-
babilities for all possible configurations of the
mobservations intom 1 cases andnm 1 non-
cases. Each configuration is indicated by theu
in theLCformula.
EXAMPLE: Configurations
(1) Lastm 1 Xs are cases
(X 1 ,X 2 ,...,Xn)
—— cases
(2) Cases ofXs are in middle of listing
(X 1 ,X 2 ,...,Xn)
—— cases
Presentation: IV. The Likelihood Function and Its Use in the ML Procedure 115