Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Some computer packages compute


General CI formula for E, V, W




p 2

j¼ 1


exp ^lZ 1 a 2








p 2

j¼ 1

W^2 jdvar^dj

þ 2 ~

p 2
j¼ 1


þ 2 ~


WjWkcovd ^dj;^dk

Obtaindvars andcovs from printoutd
butmust specifyWs.

For example, ifX 1 denotes AGE andX 2 denotes
smoking status (SMK), then one specification
of these variables isX 1 ¼30,X 2 ¼1, and a
second specification isX 1 ¼40,X 2 ¼0. Differ-
ent specifications of these variables will yield
different confidence intervals. This should be no
surprise because a model containing interaction
terms implies that both the estimated odds ratios
and their corresponding confidence intervals
vary as the values of the effect modifiers vary.

A recommended practice is to use “typical” or
“representative” values ofX 1 andX 2 , such as
their mean values in the data, or the means of
subgroups, for example, quintiles, of the data
for each variable.

Some computer packages for logistic regres-
sion do compute the estimated variance of lin-
ear functions like ^las part of the program
options. See the Computer Appendix for details
on the use of the “contrast” option in SAS and
the “lincom” option in STATA.

For the interested reader, we provide here the
general formula for the estimated variance of
the linear function obtained from theE, V, W
model. Recall that the estimated odds ratio for
this model can be written as e to^l, wherelis the
linear function given by the sum ofbplus the
sum of terms of the formdjtimesWj.

The corresponding confidence interval for-
mula is obtained by exponentiating the confi-
dence interval for^l, where the variance ofl^is
given by the general formula shown here.

In applying this formula, the user obtains the
estimated variances and covariances from the
variance–covariance output. However, as in
the example above, the user must specify
values of interest for the effect modifiers
defined by theWs in the model.

EXAMPLE (continued)
e.g.,X 1 ¼AGE,X 2 ¼SMK:
Specification 1:X 1 ¼30,X 2 ¼ 1
Specification 2:X 1 ¼40,X 2 ¼ 0
Different specifications yield different
confidence intervals

Recommendation. Use “typical” or
“representative” values ofX 1 andX 2
e.g.,X 1 andX 2 in quintiles

Presentation: VII. Interval Estimation: Interaction 145
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