wheredvarð^b 1 Þis obtained from the variance–covar-
iance matrix or, alternatively, by squaring the value
of the standard error for^b 1 provided by the computer
in the listing of variables and their estimated coeffi-
cients and standard errors.
- H 0 :bCAT¼0 in the no interaction model (Model I), or
alternatively,H 0 :OR¼1, where OR denotes the odds
ratio for the effect of CAT on CHD status, adjusted for
the five other variables in Model I.
Test statistic: Wald statisticZ¼^bCAT=s^bCAT, which is
approximately normal (0, 1) under H 0 , or alterna-
tively,Z^2 is approximately chi square with one degree
of freedom underH 0.
Test computation: Z¼ 0 : 5978 = 0 : 3520 ¼ 1 : 70 ; alterna-
tively, Z^2 ¼ 2.88; the one-tailed P-value is 0.0894/
2 ¼0.0447, which is significant at the 5% level.
- The point estimate of the odds ratio for the effect
of CAT on CHD adjusted for the other variables in
Model I is given by e0.5978¼1.82. The 95% interval
estimate for the above odds ratio is given by
expb^CAT 1 : 96
dvar ^bCAT
¼ðÞ 0 : 5978 1 : 96 0 : 3520
¼expðÞ 0 : 5978 0 : 6899
¼ e^0 :^0921 ;e^1 :^2876
¼ðÞ 0 : 91 ; 3 : 62 :
- The null hypothesis for the likelihood ratio test for the
effect of CC:H 0 :bCC¼0 wherebCCis the coefficient of
CC in model II.
Likelihood ratio statistic: LR =2lnL^I(2lnL^II)
whereL^IandL^IIare the maximized likelihood func-
tions for Models I and II, respectively. This statistic
has approximately a chi-square distribution with one
degree of freedom under the null hypothesis.
Test computation: LR¼400.4357.0¼43.4. The
P-value is 0.0000 to four decimal places. BecausePis
very small, the null hypothesis is rejected and it is con-
cluded that there is a significant effect of the CC variable,
i.e., there is significant interaction of CHL with CAT.
- The null hypothesis for the Wald test for the effect of
CC is the same as that for the likelihood ratio test:H 0 :
bCC¼0, wherebCCis the coefficient of CC in model II.
Wald statistic:Z¼^bCC=s^bCC, which is approximately
normal (0, 1) underH 0 , or alternatively,Z^2 is approxi-
mately chi square with one degree of freedom underH 0.
Answers to Practice Exercises 163