Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Independent variables:
X 1 ,X 2 ,...,Xk

Xs may beEs,Cs, or combinations

The Multivariable Problem

X 1 , X 2 ,... , Xk D

The analysis:
mathematical model

Logistic model:

Logistic is most popular

II. Why Is Logistic
Regression Popular?



  • ∞ 0 + ∞

f(z) =1 + e–z



More generally, the independent variables can
be denoted asX 1 ,X 2 , and so on up toXk, where
kis the number of variables being considered.

We have aflexiblechoice for theXs, which can
represent any collection of exposure variables,
control variables, or even combinations of such
variables of interest.

For example, we may have the following:

X 1 equal to an exposure variableE
X 2 andX 3 equal to control variablesC 1 andC 2 ,
X 4 equal to the productEC 1
X 5 equal to the productC 1 C 2
X 6 equal toE^2

Whenever we wish to relate a set ofXstoa
dependent variable, likeD, we are considering
amultivariable problem. In the analysis of such
a problem, some kind ofmathematical modelis
typically used to deal with the complex inter-
relationships among many variables.

Logisticregression is a mathematical modeling
approach that can be used to describe the rela-
tionship of severalXstoadichotomousdepen-
dent variable, such asD.

Other modeling approaches are possible also,
but logistic regression is by far the mostpopu-
larmodeling procedure used to analyze epide-
miologic data when the illness measure is
dichotomous. We will show why this is true.

To explain the popularity of logistic regression,
we show here the logistic function, which
describes the mathematical form on which
thelogistic modelis based. This function, called
f(z), is given by 1 over 1 plus e to the minusz.
We have plotted the values of this function asz
varies from1to + 1.

X 1 ¼EX 4 ¼EC 1
X 2 ¼C 1 X 5 ¼C 1 C 2
X 2 ¼C 2 X 6 ¼E^2

Presentation: II. Why Is Logistic Regression Popular? 5
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