Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
A widely used GOF measure for many mathe-
matical models is called thedeviance. However,
as we describe later, for a binary logistic
regression model, the use of the deviance for
assessing GOF is problematic.

A popular alternative is the Hosmer–Lemeshow
(HL) statistic. Both the deviance and the HL
statistic will be defined and illustrated in this

Widely used GOF measure:devi-

But: deviance problematic for
binary logistic regression

Popular alternative:
Hosmer–Lemeshow (HL)

II. Saturated vs. Fully
Parameterized Models

GOF: Overall comparison between
observed and predicted out-

Perfect fit:YiY^i¼ 0 for alli.

 Rarely happens

 Typically 0 <Y^i< 1 for mosti

Perfect fit:Not practical goal
Conceptual ideal
Saturated model
(a reference point)

As stated briefly in the previous overview sec-
tion, a measure of goodness of fit (GOF) pro-
vides an overall comparison between observed
(Yi) and predicted valuesðY^iÞof the outcome

We say there isperfect fitifYiY^i¼ 0 for alli.
Although the mathematical characteristics of
any logistic model require that the predicted
value for any subject must lie between or
including 0 or 1, it rarely happens that pre-
dicted values are either 0 or 1 forallsubjects
in a given dataset. In fact, the predicted values
for most, if not all, subjects will lie above 0 and
below 1.

Thus, achieving “perfect fit” is typically not a
practical goal, but rather is a conceptual ideal
when fitting a model to one’s data. Neverthe-
less, since we typically want to use this “ideal”
model as a reference point for assessing the fit
of any specific model of interest, it is conve-
nient to identify such a model as asaturated

A trivial example of a saturated regression
model is obtained if we have a dataset contain-
ing onlyn¼2 subjects, as shown on the left.
Here, the outcome variable, SBP, is continu-
ous, as is the (nonsense) predictor variable foot
length (FOOT). A “perfect” straight line fits the


n= 2



9 11

    • 115


Subject # SBP FOOT

2 170 11
Presentation: II. Saturated vs. Fully Parameterized Models 305

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