One way to test for this interaction is to carry
out a chunk test for the significance of both
product terms considered collectively. This
involves testing the null hypothesis that the
coefficients of these variables, namelyd 1 and
d 2 , are both equal to 0.
The test statistic for this chunk test is given by
the likelihood ratio (LR) statistic computed as
the difference between log likelihood statistics
for the full model containing both interaction
terms and a reduced model which excludes
both interaction terms. The log likelihood sta-
tistics are of the form2lnL^, whereL^is the
maximized likelihood for a given model.
This likelihood ratio statistic has a chi-square
distribution with two degrees of freedom. The
degrees of freedom are the number of para-
meters tested, namely 2.
When carrying out this test, the log likelihood
statistics for the full and reduced models turn
out to be 60.23 and 60.63, respectively.
The difference between these statistics is 0.40.
Using chi-square tables with two degrees of
freedom, the P-value is considerably larger
than 0.10, so we can conclude that there are
no significant interaction effects. We can,
therefore, drop the two interaction terms
from the model.
Note that an alternative approach to testing for
interaction is to use backward elimination on
the interaction terms in the initial model.
Using this latter approach, it turns out that
both interaction terms are eliminated. This
strengthens the conclusion of no interaction.
At this point, our model can be simplified to
the one shown here, which contains only main
effect terms. This model contains the exposure
variable SMK, 38Vvariables that incorporate
the 39 matching strata, and 2Vvariables that
consider the potential confounding effects of
SBP and ECG, respectively.
EXAMPLE (continued)
Chunk test:
H 0 :d 1 ¼d 2 ¼ 0 ;
d 1 ¼coefficient of SMKSBP
d 2 ¼coefficient of SMKECG
LR¼ 2 lnL^R
2 lnL^F
R¼reduced model F¼full model
ðno interactionÞðinteractionÞ
Log likelihood statistics
2 lnL^
Number of parameters tested¼ 2
2 lnL^F¼ 60 : 23
2 lnL^R¼ 60 : 63
P>0.10 (no significant interaction)
Therefore, drop SMKSBP and
SMKECG from model
Backward elimination: same
logit PðXÞ¼aþbSMKþ~g 1 iV 1 i
þg 21 SBPþg 22 ECG
402 11. Analysis of Matched Data Using Logistic Regression