V. Likelihood Function for
Ordinal Model
1 P
so solving forP,
oddsþ 1
1 þ odds^1
The estimated odds ratio for the effect of
RACE, controlling for the effect of ESTRO-
GEN, is e to the^b 1 , which equals e to the
0.4270 or 1.53.
The 95% confidence interval for the odds ratio
is e to the quantity^b 1 plus or minus 1.96 times
the estimated standard error of the beta coeffi-
cient for RACE. In our two-predictor example,
the standard error for RACE is 0.2720 and the
95% confidence interval is calculated as 0.90 to
2.61. The confidence interval contains one, the
null value.
If we perform the Wald test for the significance
of^b 1 , we find that it is not statistically signifi-
cant in this two-predictor model (P¼0.12).
The addition of ESTROGEN to the model has
resulted in a decrease in the estimated effect of
RACE on tumor grade, suggesting that failure
to control for ESTROGEN biases the effect of
RACE away from the null.
Next, we briefly discuss the development of the
likelihood function for the proportional odds
model. To formulate the likelihood, we need
the probability of the observed outcome for
each subject. An expression for these probabil-
ities in terms of the model parameters can
be obtained from the relationshipP¼odds/
(oddsþ1), or the equivalent expression
EXAMPLE (continued)
Odds ratio
dOR¼exp^b 1 ¼expð 0 : 4270 Þ¼ 1 : 53
95% confidence interval
95 %CI¼exp½ 0 : 4270 1 : 96 ð 0 : 2720 Þ
¼ð 0 : 90 ; 2 : 61 Þ
Wald test
H 0 :b 1 ¼ 0
0 : 4270
0 : 2720 ¼^1 :^57 ; P¼^0 :^12
Conclusion: fail to rejectH 0
478 13. Ordinal Logistic Regression