Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

  1. Again assuming a follow-up study, compute the
    estimated risk for a 40-year-old male nonsmoker
    with CHOL¼200 and OCC¼1. (You need a
    calculator to answer this question.)

  2. Compute and interpret the estimated risk ratio that
    compares the risk of a 40-year-old male smoker to a
    40-year-old male nonsmoker, both of whom have
    CHOL¼200 and OCC¼1.

  3. Would the risk ratio computation of Question 27 have
    been appropriate if the study design had been either
    cross-sectional or case-control? Explain.

  4. Compute and interpret the estimated odds ratio for
    the effect of SMK controlling for AGE, SEX, CHOL,
    and OCC. (If you do not have a calculator, just state
    the computational formula required.)

  5. What assumption will allow you to conclude that the
    estimate obtained in Question 29 is approximately a
    risk ratio estimate?

  6. If you could not conclude that the odds ratio
    computed in Question 29 is approximately a risk
    ratio, what measure of association is appropriate?
    Explain briefly.

  7. Compute and interpret the estimated odds ratio for
    the effect of OCC controlling for AGE, SMK, SEX, and
    CHOL. (If you do not have a calculator, just state the
    computational formula required.)

  8. State two characteristics of the variables being
    considered in this example that allow you to use the
    exp(bi) formula for estimating the effect of OCC
    controlling for AGE, SMK, SEX, and CHOL.

  9. Why can you not use the formula exp(bi) formula to
    obtain an adjusted odds ratio for the effect of AGE,
    controlling for the other four variables?

Answers to Practice Exercises

  1. Model 1 :P^ðXÞ¼ 1 =ð 1 þexpf½aþb 1 ðSOCÞþb 2 ðSBPÞ
    þb 3 ðSMKÞþb 4 ðSOCSBPÞ
    þb 5 ðSOCSMKފgÞ:
    Model 2 :P^ðXÞ¼ 1 =ð 1 þexpf½aþb 1 ðSOCÞ
    þb 2 ðSBPÞþb 3 ðSMKފgÞ:

  2. Model 1 :logit^PðXÞ¼ 1 : 18  0 : 52 ðSOCÞþ 0 : 04 ðSBPÞ
     0 : 56 ðSMKÞ 0 : 033 ðSOCSBPÞ
    þ 0 : 175 ðSOCSMKÞ:
    Model 2 :logit^PðXÞ¼ 1 : 19  0 : 50 ðSOCÞþ 0 : 01 ðSBPÞ
     0 : 42 ðSMKÞ:

Answers to Practice Exercises 37
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