Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
correlations are all similar, this would suggest that an
exchangeable structure is reasonable.

  1. Estimated OR¼exp(0.3601)¼1.43.
    95% CI: exp[0.36011.96(0.8122)]¼(0.29, 7.04).

  2. Consistency is an asymptotic property. As the number
    of clusters approaches infinity, the odds ratio estimate
    should approach the true odds ratio even if the corre-
    lation structure is misspecified. However, with a finite
    sample, the parameter estimate may still differ from
    the true parameter value. The fact that the parameter
    estimate for DIARRHEA is so sensitive to the choice of
    the working correlation structure demonstrates a
    degree of model instability.

  3. No, because the Wald test statistic is a function of
    both the parameter estimate and its variance. Since
    the variance is typically affected by the choice of cor-
    relation structure, the Wald test statistic would also be

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