Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Heartburn Relief Model:

(Subject modeled asfixed effect)

logit PðXÞ¼b 0 þb 1 RX



i¼ 1




1 for subject i

0 otherwise


Alternative approach:
Subject modeled asrandom effect

What if study is replicated?

Different sample
) different subjects
b 1 unchanged (fixed effect)

Parameters themselves may be
random (not just their estimates)

With the conditional logistic regression
approach,subjectis modeled as afixedeffect
with the gamma parameters (g), as shown on
the left for the Heartburn Relief example.

An alternative approach is to model subject as

To illustrate this concept, suppose we attempted
to replicate the heartburn relief study using a
different sample of 40 subjects.We might expect
the estimate forb 1 , the coefficient for RX, to
change due to sampling variability. However,
the true value ofb 1 would remain unchanged
(i.e.,b 1 is a fixed effect). In contrast, because
there are different subjects in the replicated
study, the parameters representing subject
(i.e., the gammas) would therefore also be dif-
ferent. This leads to an additional source of
variability that is not considered in the CLR, in
that some of the parameters themselves (and
not just their estimates) are random.

In the next section, we present an approach for
modeling subjectas a random effect, which
takes into account that the subjects represent
a random sample from a larger population.

Presentation: III. Conditional Logistic Regression 579
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