For each subject:
logit of baseline risk = (b 0 + b 0 i)
b 0 i = subject-specific intercept
No random effect for RX
RX effect is same for each subject
i.e., exp(b 1 )
Mixed logistic model (MLM)
Variable Coefficient
INTERCEPT 0.2285 0.3583 0.5274
RX 0.3445 0.4425 0.4410
Odds ratio and 95% CI:
ORd¼expð 0 : 3445 Þ¼ 1 : 41
95 %CI¼ð 0 : 593 ; 3 : 360 Þ
Model comparison
Model ORd s^b
MLM 1.41 0.4425
GEE 1.35 0.3868
CLR 1.50 0.5271
With this model, each subject has his/her own
baseline risk, the logit of which is the intercept
plus the random effect (b 0 þb 0 i). The sum
(b 0 þb 0 i) is typically called the subject-specific
intercept. The amount of variation in the
baseline risk is determined by the variance
ðÞsb 02 ofb 0 i.
In addition to the intercept, we could have
added another random effect allowing the
treatment (RX) effect to also vary by subject
(see Practice Exercises 4–9). By not adding this
additional random effect, there is an assump-
tion that the odds ratio for the effect of treat-
ment is the same for each subject, exp(b 1 ).
The output obtained from running the MLM
on the heartburn data is presented on the left.
This model was run using SAS’s GLIMMIX
procedure. (See the Computer Appendix for
details and an example of program coding.)
The odds ratio estimate for the effect of treat-
ment for relieving heartburn is exp(0.3445)¼
1.41. The 95% confidence interval is (0.593,
The odds ratio estimate using this model is
slightly larger than the estimate obtained
(1.35) using the GEE approach, but somewhat
smaller than the estimate obtained (1.50) using
the conditional logistic regression approach.
The standard error at 0.4425 is also larger
than what was obtained in the GEE model
(0.3868), but smaller than in the conditional
logistic regression (0.5271).
Presentation: IV. The Generalized Linear Mixed Model Approach 581