The Practice Exercises presented here are primarily
designed to elaborate and expand on several concepts
that were briefly introduced in this chapter.
Exercises 1–3 relate to calculating odds ratios and their
corresponding correlations. Consider the following 2 2
table for two dichotomous responses (YjandYk). The cell
counts are represented byA,B,C, andD. The margins are
represented byM 1 ,M 0 ,N 1 , andN 0 and the total counts are
represented byT.
Yk¼ 1 Yk¼ 0 Total
Yj¼ 1 ABM 1 ¼AþB
Yj¼ 0 CDM 0 ¼CþD
Total N 1 ¼AþCN 0 ¼BþDT¼AþBþCþD
The formulas for calculating the correlation and odds ratio
betweenYjandYkin this setting are given as follows:
ATM 1 N 1
M 1 M 0 N 1 N 0
p ; OR¼
- Calculate and compare the respective odds ratios and
correlations betweenYjandYkfor the data summar-
ized in Tables 1 and 2 to show that the same odds ratio
can correspond to different correlations.
Table 1
Yk¼ 1 Yk¼ 0
Yj¼13 1
Yj¼01 3
Table 2
Yk¼ 1 Yk¼ 0
Yj¼19 1
Yj¼01 1
- Show that ifboththeBandCcells are equal to 0, then
the correlation betweenYjandYkis equal to 1 (assum-
ingAandDare nonzero). What is the corresponding
odds ratio if theBandCcells are equal to 0? Did both
theB and C cells have to equal 0 to obtain this
corresponding odds ratio? Also show that ifboththeA
andDcells are equal to zero, then the correlation is
equal to1. What is that corresponding odds ratio? - Show that ifAD¼BC, then the correlation betweenYj
andYkis 0 and the odds ratio is 1 (assuming nonzero
cell counts).
Exercises 4–6 refer to a model constructed using the data
from the Heartburn Relief Study. The dichotomous
outcome is relief from heartburn (coded 1¼yes, 0¼no).
The only predictor variable is RX (coded 1¼active treat-
ment, 0¼standard treatment). This model containstwo
subject-specific effects: one for the intercept (b 0 i) and the
other (b 1 i) for the coefficient RX. The model is stated in
Practice Exercises 591