Event Marketing: How to Successfully Promote Events, Festivals, Conventions, and Expositions

(WallPaper) #1

should be predicated on the results of the quantitative and quali-
tative needs surveys discussed in Chapter 1.
Features, on the other hand, are the components of the pro-
gram designed to deliver the benefits. While it is important to de-
scribe the features in the brochure, it is vital to make the benefits
the front-page news of the brochure. Short, concise benefit de-
scriptions can range from “You will write faster and more suc-
cinctly” to “You will gain increased profits with less stress” to
“You will save hours every week.”
Benefits command attention and induce action. Features then
fill in the blanks and add icing to the cake.
Dr. Richardson adds these “three things never to do: Each one
guaranteed to kill potential attendee interest.”

■Only mention features.Omit benefits.
■Give the history of the organization or the event, including
names and dates.
■Hide the registration information.Make the reader play a
game to find it. Or design your brochure so that if your reg-
istrant clips out the registration form, he or she will lose vi-
tal information needed later.

Tell Them What You’re Going to Tell Them...
Then Tell Them...
Then Tell Them What You Told Them!
—Venerated principle for public speakers

This old principle for public speakers was the benchmark for
assuring that the audience got the message. It is as simple as that.
A lecturer or after-dinner speaker would begin by telling the lis-
teners why he was speaking on a particular subject and what key
issues were deserving of close attention. This was the “teaser.”
The presentation would follow, covering those issues as well as
others. Then, in conclusion, the speaker would summarize the key
points, perhaps with additional visual aids, and, in many cases,
would solicit audience reaction, questions, and comments (an-
other example of qualitative research).
Direct mail should be designed to follow that same principle
for broadcasting your message. Here are some classic examples of
how to do this.

Promotion Methods for Association Events 109
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