Event Marketing: How to Successfully Promote Events, Festivals, Conventions, and Expositions

(WallPaper) #1
Not as a medical doctor, but rather as a modifier of minds. Your
events will make people happy through celebrations; make them
smarter through education; make them collaborate through inter-
action; make them conciliate through arbitration; make them profit
through motivation. The results of your efforts are limited only by
your imagination and your drive.
It’s a peoplebusiness. If you are doing your job right, you are
modifying minds and fulfilling dreams. And I know of no other
sense of satisfaction, no other exhilaration that can match that of
the event marketer who markets and manages well. And then
when the event is over, he or she has to answer that age-old ques-
tion: “How’re you gonna top this next year?” Now, that’sa great
challenge! And thisis a great career!

xx Preface

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