Astronomy - USA (2022-01)
101 SKY OBJECTS WWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 41 54 The Double Cluster Known since the earliest days of naked-eye astronomy, the Double Clus ...
42 ASTRONOMY • JANUARY 2022 56 The Whirlpool Galaxy M51, the fabulous Whirlpool Galaxy in Canes Venatici, is the largest (in app ...
101 SKY OBJECTS WWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 43 57 M92 One of the northern night sky’s superb globular star cluster wonders is our next tar ...
62 M63 Among the heavens’ most beautifully haphazard galaxies is M63, the Sunflower Galaxy. This massive, curdled spiral sports ...
101 SKY OBJECTS WWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 45 64 The Wild Duck Cluster The summer sky is for the birds — literally. There is Cygnus the S ...
46 ASTRONOMY • JANUARY 2022 65 The Blackeye Galaxy Extragalactic pugilist M64, the Blackeye Galaxy in Coma Berenices, sports a m ...
67 The Carina Nebula The Orion Nebula (see #19) may be the best-known emis- sion nebula, but it loses to the Carina Nebula (NGC ...
48 ASTRONOMY • JANUARY 2022 68 Stephan's Quintet Stephan’s Quintet sits just 0.5° southwest of NGC 7331, making it one of the ea ...
101 SKY OBJECTS WWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 49 71 Flaming Star Nebula John Martin Schaeberle discovered IC 405 near the end of the 19th ce ...
50 ASTRONOMY • JANUARY 2022 72 M78 Wonderfully mysterious, M78 is the brightest swath of neb- ulosity in a group of specterlike ...
101 SKY OBJECTS 75 M15 While most of the Milky Way’s globular clusters are found in the summer sky hovering around the galactic ...
76 M65 and M66 A twin treat, M65 (top right) and M66 (bottom right) in Leo are arguably the most dynamic galaxy pair in the nort ...
101 SKY OBJECTS WWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 53 79 The Lagoon Nebula The Orion Nebula (see #19) gets some stiff competition for best in cla ...
A dwarf irregular galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is one of the most stunning deep-sky treasures of the southern celest ...
101 SKY OBJECTS WWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 55 81 NGC 253 The Silver Dollar or Sculptor Galaxy is the bright- est deep-sky object in the d ...
56 ASTRONOMY • JANUARY 2022 83 M22 In 1665, while observing Saturn (which was located in Sagittarius at the time), German astron ...
101 SKY OBJECTS WWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 57 86 The Hyades Crisp winter nights bring us a glorious naked-eye treasure: the Hyades. This ...
88 M35 One of winter’s finest open clusters, M35 is tucked inside the southwestern corner of Gemini the Twins. It was first foun ...
Have you ever started something that lasted a lifetime? Charles Messier found a whitish smudge near Zeta (ζ) Tauri on Aug. 28, 1 ...
JOHN CHUMACK MADHUP RATHI 60 ASTRONOMY • JANUARY 2022 92 M81 M81 is one of the spiral wonders of the night sky. It joins neighbo ...
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