Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing:

(ff) #1

Marketing to Increase Your Bottom Line , which was
released in July of 2010.

Learn more about Alex Mandossian and receive a three
hour training on hosting your own teleseminars by going

Case Study #2 – Armand Morin's AM2

Gold Coaching Program

In August of 2009 my mentor, Armand Morin, decided to
do something he had never done before (and has never
done since). He was going to open up his 'Gold' program to
people on his list. Previously, you could only join this
program, priced at $5000 per year, by attending one of his
live events he hosts regularly across the country. This was
open to affiliates, and I decided immediately to jump on

First, allow me to tell you a little bit more about Armand.
He is a kind and gentle man, and a marketing genius. I'm
not the only one who feels this way about him. He has
many people around the world who credit him with their
success, and I am definitely one of them. Without Armand
and his teachings I would not be at the level I am today,
and I would still be struggling to figure out many of the

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