Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing:

(ff) #1

for almost a year and a half. Everyone on my list had heard
about my experiences, and how this group had been of
such great benefit to me. A handful of my people had
attended Armand's other events, either as my guest or
through my affiliate link, but more than 99% of my list had
never been to one of his presentations, or had even heard
him on a teleseminar. When Armand decided to run this
promotion for that five day period, I knew that I had my
work cut out for me.

I used stories to let people know what my experience with
this program had done for me. I held two free teleseminars
that week, and shared the story of how I had come to join
this program and what it had done for my business. I
shared anecdotes of happenings in and around the AM2
family, and gave specific details to make it as real as

As soon as anyone emailed me, wanting more details about
signing up for this program, I asked them for their phone
number and set up a time for us to talk. Taking them
offline seemed to make the most sense. No one was going
to sign up for a five hundred dollar a month program
without talking to someone they trusted.

I believe we must be in complete integrity with any dealing
we have with others, whether it's for business or personal
situations. This goes back to my belief in the 4 Way Test,
something we have in Rotary. Rotary is an international
service organization that I have belonged to since 2006.

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