Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing:

(ff) #1

that time had suggested that I write my own eBook and try
to sell it, but this one was far more detailed and
professional than what I could have come up with at that
time. Also, it would have taken me a few months to even
put anything together of my own at that point.

This eBook was complete, professionally written and
designed, and ready to promote and recommend to others.
I began promoting this digital package by writing articles
and posting to my blog. Soon I had my first sale, where I
earned $21.60. I know that sounds like such a small
amount of money, but I was as excited as if I'd won the

I quickly checked to see if the purchase had been made by
someone I knew, but it had been made by a complete
stranger. This told me that if I could encourage and
persuade someone who did not know me to purchase a
product on the Internet, that I could do this over and over
and over again.

A side note I'd like to share here is that the man who
created this product on dog training called himself Dean
Rankin, and I had no reason to believe that was not his real
name. It wasn't until I attended the Big Seminar for the
first time in April of 2008 that I learned the real story:

One of the speakers was talking about selling products on
Clickbank. He said that he had previously worked for a
company that trained dogs, and how much he had

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