(Dana P.) #1

100 Devotion to Ishwara and Elders
g. Kaushik went to a village for
h. I am not that

i. The housewife was very
j. Dharmabyadh disclosed his

  1. Match the words from the right side with the words in
    the left:

  2. Put tick marks ( ) on correct answers:
    i. Where does it reach, when we bow down to our

  3. heaven. 2. Ishwara.

  4. the sky. 4. the Thakur's house.
    ii. What kind of cows did Nachiketa's father offer?

  5. strong cows. 2. aged cows.

  6. red cows. 4. black cows.
    iii. The promise of a saint never remains

  7. unfulfilled. 2. false.

  8. true. 4. funny.
    iv. Where did Dharmabyadh live?

  9. Hastinapura 2. Bidorva.

  10. Ayodh. 4. Mithila.
    v. Who did make stool on Kaushik?

  11. a crow. 2. a cuckoo.

  12. a crane. 4. a pigeon.
    vi. Whom did Dharmabyadh serve?

  13. teachers. 2. parents.

  14. gods. 4. men.

Parents are our
The son of Bajshraba is
Kaushik went to
Kaushik was

direct Ishwara.
surprised again.
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