Fig. 3.34 Fully three-dimensional two-way-spanning
space framework.
be given the rectangular or diagrid form
depending on the orientation of the elements
with respect to the principal span directions.
Space frameworks of both of the kinds
described above are highly statically indeter-
minate and this, together with the fact that
they are triangulated, allows very efficient use
of structural material. They are, however,
complicated to design and construct and are
therefore more expensive than the one-way-
spanning systems described above. Truly
three-dimensional frames are economically
competitive with conventional structures at
spans greater than 20 m; space frames which
consist of intersecting plane frames are used
mainly in the span range 15 m to 20 m.
Fig. 3.35 Plan and cross-sectional arrangements for
space frameworks.
Because space frames are two-way-spanning
systems, the most suitable overall plan-form is
a square in which the frame is supported
around its entire perimeter on regularly spaced
columns or walls (Figs 3.36 and 3.37). A square
plan-form with supports at the corners is
another common arrangement. The high degree
of statical indeterminacy allows an irregular
pattern of support to be used, however, if this
Fig. 3.36 Support arrangements
for space frameworks. Space frame-
works are normally supported either
by regularly spaced perimeter
columns around the entire perime-
ter or by a symmetrical arrangement
of columns or piers set back from
the perimeter. The two-way-
spanning capability of the space
frame allows, however, an irregular
pattern of support. This is
sometimes the reason for adopting
a space frame as the horizontal
structure in a building.
Steel structures
Double layer
Single layer Span up to 30 m
Span greater than 30 m
Orthogonal DepthSpan= 30(approx.)
= 40 (approx.)
Lattice beams
Square space frames supported
around their perimeters by
columns and deep lattice beams
Support around perimeter Minimal support