Rave Culture and Religion

(Wang) #1

futuristic 222–6;
limit- experiences 243–50
nootropics 23
nostalgia 54
Novelty Theory 211
NRM (new religious movement) theory 94–
nutrient cafes 23

OATS (Ottawans Actively Teaching Safety)
Ohms not Bombs 227–1
Omega Point 212
Omega Rave 219
one-heartedness 130, 132, 133
ontology of the flesh 116–20
open-air gatherings 222–6
Oracle Card 26
Oracle Gatherings 36
orgasm 55, 56
Osho movement 238–3
otherspaces 17
Otherworld 21
Otto, Rudolf 75
out-of-body futurisms 21
overheating 145, 152

Pagan, Rebecca 170
paganism 26, 45;
see also neo-paganism
panentheism 123
Paradise Garage (New York) 25, 187
Parallel YOUniversity 216
Paris 67
participation 72
Patrick, Tim 169, 173, 177
peak experiences 73–77, 155;
liminal techniques and 174–7;
pleasure and 75–9;
self-sacrifice 36, 51–5;
see also abandonment;
Pearson, E. 29–2
Pearson, Joanne 292
people, centrality of 146–9
People of the Rainbow (Niman) 17
perception 114–20

Perring, Ralph 117
personal development 288
peyote 123–9, 136
phenomenology 113–22
Phuture 49–2
Pickering, William 82
PIHKAL (Shulgin) 23
Pike, Sarah 17, 290–4, 295, 296
pilgrimage phenomena 86, 123–9
Pini, Maria:
femininity 109;
inconsideration 276;
meaning structures 32;
rave speaks 20;
self and other 49;
self-sacrifice 36, 53;
subjectivity 107–11, 109;
women 88
pirate radio 185, 190, 191–4
Plane Henge 227
Planet Jesus 33
plateau 90–3, 253, 273–6, 276
PLUR (peace, love, unity, respect) 33, 144,
146–9, 160n.11
politics 93
Poona 238
poppers 145
Portugal 225
post-disco 44
post-humanism 23
post-industrial development 46–9
post-modernism 84, 270–4
post-rave 21, 22–5, 44, 221, 296–298
post-sexualities 243
post-structuralism 168, 270–9
power 270–4
power dancers 256–60
Power, R. 145
prajna 31
Pratt, Ray 45
prayer 32, 134–7
pre-communication 114
preparation 124, 132–5
presence 31
primal metaphor 54
primitivism see techno-primitivism
Privilege 236


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