Rave Culture and Religion

(Wang) #1

The Ritual Process (Turner) 166
Roberts, David 200
Robins, K. 46
rock music 53, 71
Roosenbaum, M. 149
Rouget, Gilbert 201, 276
Rowe, K. 227
Ruedi, Swiss 261
ruptures, transgressions and 66–71
Rushkoff, Douglas 21, 24, 104, 211
Russell, Peter 211

the sacred 17, 56, 65, 75–9
Sacred Dance Society 34
Le Sacred Savage (Bastide) 64
sacrifice 51–5, 74
sadhus 261, 266
safety 91, 143, 148
salvation 32–9, 34–7
San Francisco 194–205, 220, 220–4, 223,
sannyasins 238, 241
Santeria 21
savage trance 76
Schaefer, S.B. 137
Schechner, Richard 167
Schenner, R. 35
Schütze, Bernard 68–2
science-fictional imagery 257–1
Scotland 145
security 73
segregation 69
the Self 22–5, 51, 115, 137
self-programming 23–6
self-sacrifice 36–9, 51–5
‘Senses’ 26
sensory engineering 22
sensory intensities 111–15
separation rites 170
September 11th 225
set and setting 73
sexism 276
sexual politics 56
sexualities 241–6, 254, 249n.3
Seymour, R.B. 154
shakti 254
Shamanarchy 26

shamanism 21, 45, 123–7, 243–50, 295
Shamen 212
Sharmanarchy in the UK (Clark) 216
Sherry,John F.Jr. 298
Shintoism 28
Shiva 260
Shoom 90
Shulgin, Alexander 23
silicon cage 241–6
singing 130
the Singularity 21
sleep deprivation 154
smart bars 23, 148, 160n.8
Smith, D.E. 154
smooth spaces 276, 279, 282
Sobchak, Vivian 220
social relations 137–40
social spaces 91
social structures, threat to 90
sociocultural revitalization 94–97
solar eclipses 224
solipsism 113–17
Sonics-Cybertribe-Network 216
the soul 48, 56–8
source, return to 24–9
South Africa 32
space 70, 133–6, 169–4, 236
special K (ketamine) 148
Spiral Tribe 26, 216, 226
spirit healing 286–92
anarchy and 274–7;
annihilation 51, 54;
body and spirit 33, 48–49, 51;
dance communities 34;
experiences of 150;
expressive spirituality 18, 21;
imagery 104–8;
limit-experiences 243–50;
nomadism and 236–41;
post-industrial spirit 46–49;
poststructuralism and 270–4, 273–9;
‘rave-o-lution’ 18–9;
raver on 88–2;
the spirit 44–7;
spirit and soul 48;
spiritual hedonism 26, 258, 260–4;
subject-subject 56;


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