Upgrading & Fixing Laptops DUMmIES
Here’s a guide to the standards in use now: 802.11awas first out of the gate, at least on paper, and offered a great deal of po ...
frequencies and technologies, meaning that it is difficult or impossible to mix and match systems that use solely one or the oth ...
One of the magazines I supervised was installed in one of those former win- dowless closets. And so I took my expense account to ...
Good reason number two: Hotspots and public access One of the reasons we are gathered together between the covers of this book i ...
Sometimes, though, the wireless network does not work properly when first started or even more vexingly, may work intermittently ...
If you attach a WiFi card to the PC Card socket of your laptop or to a special- purpose compartment in the case, you have no cho ...
None of this should be any surprise to you if you use a cell phone. You know that even within a single room there may be spots w ...
A firewallis a piece of hardware or a software program that sits — in reality or in logic form — between your machine and the ou ...
Facilitating WiFi in a Laptop ....................................................................... Almost every new laptop no ...
Holding the card Check the instruction manual or consult the manufacturer’s telephone sup- port service or web site to see if th ...
And USB devices can be installed directly in the port on the laptop or attached to a hub that connects by wire to the computer; ...
Note that the instructions I have given in this section are from Windows XP; the language you see onscreen in earlier versions ( ...
Turn off the cable modem or DSL modem. You’re now connecting the wireless router. Carefully follow the instruc- tions that com ...
code that is part of the header for every packet sent over your wireless network between a mobile device and the router. Try to ...
other devices equipped with wireless transceivers. Figure 14-1 shows four pieces of equipment: the access point, a hubthat inter ...
Networking Other Ways .............................................................................. I’ve exhaustively explored ...
A second method of transfer involved special cables that interconnect ports on two machines. Early PCs used a null modemcable th ...
A strong point of Bluetooth is that the hardware does all of the work. Once any two devices find each other, they negotiate betw ...
Interested in infrared ......................................................................... For a brief moment in the evolu ...
224 Part IV: Failing to Communicate ...
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