Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

but as a fine reciter of his own verses as well.

In 1901 he even formed a trio with the poets

Berto Barbarani from Verona and Alfredo

Testoni from Bologna, making the rounds of

the theaters of Genoa, Padua, Milan, Reggio

Emilia etc.. The invitations became more and

more frequent and Trilussa was constantly

touring all of Italy, with evening

engagements worthy of a star of the theater.

People liked his poetry and they liked his

recitation even more, done in a dialect

everyone could understand yet possessing

all the ingredients of cleverness, of wit, of

irony and sarcasm.

He even went to Egypt, but perhaps in

order to follow a girl he was in love with,

the actress Leda Gys.

Upon his return, he began living in

Maria Adelaide Street amidst a myriad

souvenirs collected all over, with the same

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