Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

Bum, in the years between W.W.I and the

advent of fascism, in which he completed his

modernist training, of markedly Futurist

origin), and as a poet and writer in Italian

(Cf. Rime allegre, [Happy Verses], 1928; Vita

paesana...com’era una volta [Country

Life...How It Used to Be], 1935).

Trofa’s inspiration, consolidated by a vast

cultural background, nourished by the most

vital lymphs of Twentieth Century poetics

(D’Annunzio, Pascoli, the Crepuscolari, the

Futurists), follows two different paths: an

ironic, desecrating, mocking consideration of

certain aspects and figures of reality, and a

troubled, painful, at time dejected existential

vicissitude, modernly perceived and

modernly rendered, in a language absolutely

new, free of rhetorical frills, and intent

above all on capturing and rendering the

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